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Blood Gas - Emergency Biochemistry - Electrolytes - Hematology
◘ Portable and compact device (21x9 cm, 725g)
◘ Use in clinic and in the field
◘ Parameters: pH, pCO2, pO2, Na +, K +, iCa, Glu, Lact, Hct, Hbg, HCO3, TCO2, BEb, BEecf, Sat O2, Creatinine, Chlorine, Urea (BUN), Anion gap
◘ Sample: 92 µl heparinized whole blood
◘ Analysis rendered in 3 minutes
◘ All the parameters on the reactive card (credit card format)
◘ Reactive barcode card (no risk of identification error)
◘ Calibration and control included in the card Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections (optional Bluetooth printer)
◘ No maintenance
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